Change-maker insights into tackling the UK advice and engagement gap

The advice gap is growing. People who would benefit most from access to financial advice are the ones who do not necessarily know what financial advice is or how it can benefit them, let alone engage with or afford it.
Large financial institutions are well placed to make a material impact in closing this gap. Through the adoption of digital propositions, institutions are innovating and re-thinking the traditional business distribution silos that typically exist and are pivoting towards a customer-first approach.
In September 2023 Ignition Advice held a CXO Roundtable in London, moderated by NextWealth, to hear from senior leaders of global financial institutions about the challenges and opportunities they are facing in transforming the way they engage, educate and improve the wellbeing of their customers. NextWealth has collated the insights and potential solutions in this report. We hope it empowers the change agents out there as they drive forward propositions to help people who need help.